The Tarheel Travelers Officers and Committees
The officers of BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary/Treasurer, and any other offices deemed necessary by the members. All officers shall be principle members or designated members of BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers and shall be elected by the same annually. All shall serve until their respected successors are elected, the term of office not to exceed two consecutive years
PRESIDENT - Richard Rubin
The President shall call the meetings to order at the appointed time and state clearly and properly all questions brought forward before the meeting. He/She will announce the results of each vote and the next business in order, preserve order and control debates and receive all messages and announce them to the meeting. The President shall appoint all committees, subject to a majority of the membership's approval. In addition, he/she shall point an audit committee which shall report to the membership at least twice during the year.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the minutes of all general meetings. He/She shall be responsible for communications between BMW MOA and BMW-NC Bulletins and handling such other correspondence and duties as the President and majority may assign. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have custody and responsibility of all monies and funds, and maintain an inventory of all assets and equipment and shall present a simplified report summarizing the club's assets at each monthly meeting. He/She shall prepare a written detailed financial statement showing all transactions made by the Club, shall prepare and file all taxes and ensure that the club's funds and assets are not used to endanger the non-profit status of our organization or violate any State or Federal tax laws. He/She shall receive all revenues and notify delinquent members of their status and the possibility of their dismissal from BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers upon continued non-payment of dues.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR - Malcolm Meyn & Michael Bradley
The duties of the Newsletter Editor shall be to coordinate the newsletter, to solicit articles, to include articles relevant to Club life, to publish a Club calendar and to publish the newsletter in accordance with a schedule as determined by the Officers and members.
WEBMASTER - Steve Brunner
The webmaster maintains the club website to ensure the site is current; coordinates timely site content updates with the Newsletter Editor to ensure consistent sharing of information; advises the Officers of new technologies, standards or trends, and refreshes the site at the discretion of the Officers.