The Tarheel Travelers Constitution

The BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers Constitution is the guiding documemt for our club. Presented below is the full text of the Constitution followed by a downloadable PDF link for printing.


BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers


Article 1: Name and Affiliation

The name of the organization shall be the BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers. As a non-profit organization, the Club will be chartered with the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America and incorporated with the Secretary of North Carolina.

Article 2: Purpose

The specific and primary purpose is to enjoy riding BMW motorcycles and to create fellowship among all BMW riders and the non-riding public.

Article 3: Expectations of Members

Section 1: Principle Member

A. A principle member is a person that has a licensed BMW motorcycle registered in his or her name and has applied for membership. There will be no membership fees refunded.
B. Each principle member may designate one additional person, entitled to all privileges, without paying a separate membership fee.
C. There will be only one office held or one vote cast per membership.

Section 2: Meetings of the Members

A. All club members are expected to contribute a reasonable amount of time to club meetings and activities.
B. A minimum of twelve (12) members will be required to hold a voting meeting. Twelve members constitute a quorum.
C. A majority vote will finalize all issues.
D. No proxy votes will be accepted.
E. The Club shall meet a minimum of twelve (12) times during the
calendar year.
F. All major decisions such as changes in the Constitution, elections, and all dismissals shall be determined by the voting members of the Club. This shall include any purchases made by any person or committee that exceeds twenty-five dollars ($25) except for costs related to the publication of the Newsletter. (Amended to $75 - year 1991)
G. All members must conduct themselves and ride in a safe and respectable manner in all Club activities. Members will be responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests.

Article 4: Duties of the Officers

Section 1: Officers, Elections, Terms

The officers of BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers shall be a President, a
Vice-President, and a Secretary/Treasurer, and any other offices deemed necessary by the members. All officers shall be principle members or designated members of BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers and shall be elected by the same annually. All shall serve until their respected successors are elected. Term of office not to exceed two consecutive years (Amended - year unknown).

Section 2: President - Duties

A. To call the meeting to order at the appointed time;
B. To state clearly and properly all questions brought forward before the meeting;
C. To announce the result of each vote and the next business in order;
D. To preserve order and control debates;
E. To receive all messages and announce them to the meeting;
F. The President shall appoint all committees, subject to majority approval;
G.  Appoint an audit committee which shall report to the membership at least twice during the year.  (2010 - Amended to meet once a year)

Section 3: Vice President - Duties

A. Shall assume and execute the powers of the President during the
absence or incapability of the President;
B. Shall assume the Presidency in case of a vacancy in the Presidency;
C. Shall perform such duties as the President and majority may assign.

Section 4: Secretary/Treasurer - Duties

A. Shall be responsible for the minutes of all general meetings;
B. Shall be responsible for communications between BMW MOA and BMW-NC Bulletins;
C. To handle such other correspondence and duties as the President and majority may assign;
D. Shall have custody and responsibility of all monies, funds, and maintain an inventory of all assets and equipment, and shall present a simplified report summarizing our assets at each monthly meeting. (Amended 18 March 2007).
E. Shall prepare a written detailed financial statement showing all
transactions made by the Club;
F. Shall prepare and file all taxes and ensure that the BMW-NC Tarheel
Traveler funds and assets are not used to endanger the non-profit status of our organization or violate any State or Federal tax laws.
G. Shall receive all revenues and notify delinquent members of their status and the possibility of their dismissal from BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers upon continued non-payment of dues.

Article 5: Removal from Membership or Office

Whenever the interests of the BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers best shall be served by the removal of an officer or member, such officer or member may be removed by a majority vote.

Article 6: Constitutional Amendment

To amend the Constitution, a proposed amendment must be presented at a regular meeting, printed in the Newsletter the following month, and approved at the next regular meeting.

Article 7: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers, contents of the Club treasury will be donated to a charity to be voted on by the membership.

Amendment 1: Halloween Campout Funds (1994)

Repealed 18 March 2007

Amendment 2: Membership Eligibility (1994)

Members, past or present, who no longer own or ride a BMW motorcycle because of their inability to ride, may keep their membership current by paying their dues annually. This amendment specifically prohibits membership to members who choose to sell their BMWs and ride another brand motorcycle. It is intended that non-riding members in good standing may choose to extend their BMW fellowship and participation in the Club into their golden years and maintain membership status with BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers.

Amendment 3: Membership Eligibility (2000):

Amendment 3 specifically overrules the stipulations in Article 3, Section 1. Paragraph A, and in Amendment 2, which require ownership of a licensed BMW motorcycle to be eligible for membership in the BMW-NC Tarheel Travelers: Amendment 3 opens Club eligibility to all interested persons, regardless of whether a BMW motorcycle is owned, providing that eligibility requirements are met.


To meet eligibility:

• Owners of currently licensed BMW motorcycles are automatically eligible for membership in the club and may apply at will.
• Individuals who do not own a licensed BMW motorcycle must be sponsored by a club member with a currently licensed BMW motorcycle to be eligible to join.

A. Sponsorship is simply one member who owns a licensed BMW motorcycle endorsing the club membership application of a non-BMW motorcycle owner. Sponsorship can be spoken, written, or electronic.
B. All club members in good standing at the end of a calendar year are eligible to renew for the following year. Sponsorship is not a recurring requirement.
C. Once an individual is sponsored and accepted into membership, they are entitled to the full rights and privileges accorded any member, including voting and eligibility to run for a club office.
D. Sponsored memberships may have associate members like all other members, and subject to the same rules and constraints.

The Tarheel Travelers Constitution
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