Mileage and Participation Awards

A group of TT'ers ride in the New Year

The Mileage and Participation awards program runs from January 1,  to December 31. The form, showing the awards points criteria, is available below. A copy will again be included in the newsletter toward the later part of the year. 


Please keep track of your mileage and participation and join the fun.


Mileage Awards

Mileage awards are given in two categories, male and female, and winners will be recognized for high, low and closest to average TOTAL motorcycle miles ridden (BMW and non-BMW combined).

Participation Awards

Points for participation in club and National events will be the same as previous years:


Local Events

Regularly Scheduled Club Rides - 1 point per ride

Monthly Dinners - Sorry, no point for these

Monthly Meeting - 2 points per meeting


National Events

National Rallies (e.g. BMW MOA, BMW RA) - 6 points each rally attended


The member with the highest Participation Points total wins!

Awards Scorecard
Instructions for the contest are contained in the Scorecard document.
Renewal Form and Awards Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [23.6 KB]